In Summary
  • The partnership aims at empowering traders and communities
  • KACITA Village to be established by DTB
Verghese Thambi, the Managing director of DTB bank together with Leadership of KACITA during the signing of MOU in Kamapala

 Diamond Trust Bank –DTB Uganda and Kampala City traders association- KACITA  have entered into a partnership to boost traders business and entrench the sustainability agenda among traders and key stakeholders across the country.

The partnership was announced at the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by the leadership of DTB Uganda and KACITA board members at KACITA Head offices in Kampala.

The partnership aims at empowering traders and communities where KACITA operates with appropriate financial and banking services. 

The partnership also brings to attention Women in Business and youth who will receive preferential treatment and offers on banking services.

 “Many times our key business players don’t receive the right support for the growth and sustainability of their businesses. Key among these players are women and youth. Under this partnership we shall tailor our offering to answer needs of their businesses" said  Varghese Thambi, the DTB Uganda CEO

According to Thadeus Musoke, KACITA Chairman, 65% of the businesses are run by women, and these women-led businesses have proven to be the most resilient over the years.

Traders in Uganda have faced gross post COVID 19 effects leaving many traders under distress. 

 “We are glad that DTB is identifying us a partner and a focus on women traders is very important. We are sure that women businesses if well supported will multiple and be very pivotal in national growth,” said Musoke.

Under the partnership, DTB is committing to facilitating best business, management and financial practices through trainings in addition to offering preferential product offers to traders.

In the space of sustainability DTB will introduce the concept of ESG (Environment, Sustainability and Governance) to the business community.

Stakeholders under KACITA Uganda and DTB will drive discussions on energy efficiency, reduction of carbon emissions and other areas of sustainable development as highlighted by the UN Social Development Goals.

At the same development DTB announced support to KACITA  members by offering support to the establishment of the KACITA Village. Under the arrangement DTB will work with property developers to provide land for the KACITA Village. Members of KACITA will be financed by DTB to acquire land on the KACITA Village estate. 

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