In Summary
  • The standard stipulates the distance allowed between two fuel stations
  • Compliance rate is now at 99.5%
  • Fuel dealers asked to be ethical and upright in delivery of services to the public
By close of December 2023, 4,786 retail fuel stations were registered in the MEMD database and that the compliance rate is now at 99.5%

The Ministry of Energy Mineral Development (MEMD) together with Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has called upon all fuel station owners to ensure compliance to the standards requirements for setting up and operating fuel stations, as well as petroleum products standards, emphasizing self-regulation.

The remarks were made during the Fuel Marking and Quality Monitoring program (FMQMP) awareness and sensitization campaign that took place in South-western Uganda, in the districts of Ibanda, Ishaka, Rukungiri, Ntungamo and Mbarara.

“I would like to encourage fuel dealers to be ethical and upright in delivery of services to the public. Embrace self-regulation in respect to quality and quantity standards because you too are consumers of this fuel. All the quality requirements and standards specifications for the fuel business have been shared, so maximize compliance and ethics.” Said the UNBS Ag. Executive Director, Mr. Nangalama Daniel Makayi.

Mr. Nangalama further urged local leaders to work jointly with MEMD and UNBS to strengthen synergies for smooth flow of information between the fuel suppliers, consumers, government Ministries, Departments and Agencies.

On his part, the Assistant Commissioner in charge of Monitoring and Inspection in the Petroleum Supply Department at MEMD, Mr. John Friday, noted that the Government of Uganda introduced the fuel marking programme to ensure that all fuel meant for local consumption is marked at the border points to ensure quality and protect consumers.

He added that because of this program, fuel adulteration has reduced to less than 1% in Uganda.

According to the Field Supervisor for the Fuel Marking and Quality Monitoring program -FMQMP, Mr. Peter Kitimbo, revealed that by close of December 2023, 4,786 retail fuel stations were registered in the MEMD database and that the compliance rate is now at 99.5%.

He said, this compliance rate has been achieved by the innovations in FMQMP, a Government of Uganda supported Program.

 “The Fuel Marking and Quality Monitoring Program has brought on board mobile laboratories with advanced technology that has enabled testing of fuel quality at different fuel stations in all corners of the country, which has improved the compliance rates.” Said Mr. Kitimbo.

He further cited congestion as one of the challenges facing fuel stations in different cities, and also shared most on the non-compliance issues faced.

“The standard stipulates the distance allowed between two fuel stations and there’s a plan by the authorities to harmonize locations for congested fuel stations, for example, if three stations are near each other, they will be required to harmonize and work together as one station.” Said Mr. Kitimbo

“Some of the stations are constructed in road reserves, some at shop verandas, others have no canopy, and all this is not acceptable according to the standards. The minimum area size should be 100ftX100ft but you find fuel stations operating in a lesser area than that stipulated by the standard.” Mr. Kitimbo added.

Mr. Kitimbo urged the fuel dealers to acquire the standards and ensure compliance through self-regulation.

The Petroleum standards can be found on the UNBS website via

Some of the  standards include; Infrastructure standards; US EAS 977: 2021: Petroleum industry —service stations and consumer installations among others.

The Fuel Marking and Quality Monitoring Program, implemented by government, is designed to control and monitor the quality of petroleum products in the entire supply chain in Uganda. UNBS encourages the public to report any cheating tendencies by a fuel stations to UNBS using Toll Free line 0800133133

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