In Summary
  • Centenary bank spent a total of 2billion shillings under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) alone, impacting over 2.5 million people directly and 10 million indirectly.
Centenary Bank ED Joseph Balikuddembe(2nd Right), hands over a dummy cheque of 100 million shillings
Image: Edwin Muhumuza

Over 1000 Rotarians are convening in Kampala for the 99th Rotary District Conference under the theme ‘Keeping Hope Alive’ from the 18th to the 20th this week at Munyonyo Conference Centre.

During the launch of the 99th Rotary District Conference, Centenary Bank Executive Director, Joseph Balikuddembe says they have spent 2 billion shillings so far towards transforming lives in rural areas including health.

“In the year we have just concluded Centenary Bank spent a total of 2 billion shillings under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)alone in fact impacting over 2.5 million people directly and 10 million indirectly.

“20 percent of this budget, about 400m shillings went directly to support rotary initiatives countrywide including the cancer run, the conference, family health drive, cancer screening, and free malaria screening to mention but a few,”

“We are proud to have been part of this journey for the past 13 years and this year as a platinum sponsor, we have committed a total of about UGX  100 million shillings towards this conference.

District Governor Edward Kakembo during the press conference
Image: Courtesy

District Governor Edward Kakembo said during the conference there will be a time to change leaders and give accountability while also taking into consideration a SWOT analysis- (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) ahead of the incoming year.

“We have done this by bringing examples of people who have kept hope alive and among them are the She-Cranes in our opening ceremony because they are such an example”, he says, while commenting on the theme.

The conference will also see the recognition of Rotarians or clubs that have done well in the previous year.

According to the conference chair, Robert Kiggundu, the conference will be all about comparing notes on how to do projects together, to plan for next year, and to ensure that Rotarians bond more and more.

He notes that there are over 5000 Rotarians in the district who will be joined by young members, the Rotaractors.

As part of the conference there will be Interfaith mornings and afternoon meetings, and among its plenary sessions and discussions, a talk on Artificial Intelligence, he adds.

Some categories of awards include those that have performed beyond the call of duty as well as outstanding sponsors and partners.

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