In Summary
  • Ugandan artists should continue registering in UPRS
  • Kaye condemns pastors who stop  gospel artists from registering

Uganda Performing Right Society (UPRS)  , a group of musicians with an agenda of advancing copyright law in Uganda is capable of mobilizing over one hundred billion Uganda shillings if all Ugandan artists register in this organization, according to Wisdom Kaye one of the board members. 

Speaking at the launch of (UPRS)'s annual general meeting that will take place this Friday 29th October, Kaye explains that when all this money is collected, it will go back to artists hence improve their lives.

It is on this ground that he urged artists to continue registering to become beneficiaries of this initiative.

Kaye condemned pastors who deter gospel artists from registering in (UPRS) saying they are endangering these talents.

" Anointing  without money is annoyance "
- Wisdom Kaye

He went ahead and advised gospel artists not to listen to such suggestions because pastors who say such want them to die poor and never to gain from their talent.

It's not the pastor that pays for the production of their songs, it is the artist who personally pays for every cost therefore gospel artists should think twice before making a decision of not registering .Kaye added

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