In Summary
  • Parents should encourage their children to efficiently pursue creative arts
  • They should financially and physically suport them
The Princess of Buganda Katrina Sarah Sangalyambongo
Image: Courtesy photo

The Princess of Buganda Katrina Sarah Sangalyambongo  advised parents to value creative arts and encourage their children to efficiently pursue them.

While complementing on  her mother’s book the Queen of  Buganda Sylvia Nagginda Luswata ,she  narrated how her parents have been supportive for her success in arts including  swimming .

"I have a mom who has been incredibly supportive .As a result ,I have found my lane in the creative arts .Iam also a swimmer .Both she and Dad have supported me in fact pushed me to excel",the princess said.

She stated that if parents understand the value of creative arts  and  support  children that  pursue them ,they can easily succeed .

The princess added that  parents should similarly provide  financial  and physical assistance to children pursuing their passions the way they do to those  pursuing white collar jobs.

Meanwhile Her Royal Highness’ book titled “The Nnaabagereka Queen Sylvia Nagginda Luswata”talks about the story of her life,career  and it’s one of the most selling books in Uganda since it was officially released on 23rd /March /2023

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