In Summary
  • Put the image of Aruu falls  on Ugandan currency notes.
  • Aruu falls located in Northern Uganda.
  • Govt allocates 800 million shillings for the re  development of Aruu falls.
  • Aruu falls has  a  great potential to boost the country's  tourism sector.
Aruu Falls
Image: Courtesy photo

Former Member of Parliament Odonga Otto wants the photo of Aruu Falls printed on Ugandan currency notes as one of the ways to showcase its beauty and might.

Aruu Falls is located in the Northern part of Uganda in Pader district along the Gulu – Kitgum highway. The falls derive their name from the Luo word “Oruu” meaning “woken up early”.

The waterfalls look incredible as the water falls over the rocks. The various streams of the falls flow from 7 rocks including Raynga, Awilo Yaa, Wang Okiye, Lacee, Okello Gem, and Lanyaa Kweyo.

Miss Tourism, Queen Nabulya Sydney Kavuma at the Falls
Image: Courtesy photo

Hon Odonga Otto, the proprietor of Eden Camp Site neighboring Aruu Falls says this tourist site has great tourism potential however the government is not investing much towards it. He explains that it also has a political history because President Idi Amin Dada visited it twice and even built a banker there.

He made the call recently during the Explore North Campaign where State Minister for Tourism Martin Mugarra Bahinduuka led over 300 tourists and travel enthusiasts to among other sites explore Aruu Falls.

Travel ethusiasts enjoying the beautiful scenery of Aruu falls
Image: Courtesy photo

Amono Sarah, Tourism officer Pader district and tour guide at the site notes that they receive on average 100 tourists in a week, with the majority coming from neighboring districts.

The local government has not been in a position to improve this site, especially the walkways which would attract more tourists. We now ask the government to take up this task for the safety of the tourists, she added.

Minister Mugaara revealed that the government had allocated UGX 800 million for the re-development of Aruu Falls.

"This money will come in the next financial year and will be used to construct essential facilities such as walkways, guardrails, and roads. We know that once all this is done it will enhance visitor experiences and promote the site’s tourism potential", he said.

The “ExploreNorth” campaign came after “ExploreElgon” and “ExploreWest”

This campaign dubbed Explore Uganda is aimed at  domesticating tourism.


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