By Deo Wasswa

The Principal Judge Yorakm Bamwine has urged prisoners and the judiciary system to embrace plea bargaining approach as a channel to reducing case backlog.

While opening a sensitization workshop for judiciary on plea bargaining, justice Bamwine has noted that currently the judiciary is overwhelmed with over 10,000 cases due for trial.

According to him, by using plea bargaining approach, one judge can handle 20 cases on daily basis hence will drastically help to reduce case backlog and congestion of prisons

Meanwhile, Sylivia Namubiru Mukasa, executive director of Legal aid service provider’s network, the organizers of sensitization workshop has noted that they want to ensure that plea bargaining approach is sensitized to judiciary system country wide to ensure that fair hearing.

The sensitization workshop held at Kabira country club has attracted close to a hundred lawyers, judges and other members in judiciary system.

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