- Marcus speaking to the crowd.
- Marcus speaking to the crowd.

By Tukundane Yonna

“I am going to assure you from the heart of my bottom, I mean from the bottom of my heart that this love doctor, his things are genuine.” Oulanyah from #TheBigBreakfast said as Val walked to the stage.

On Saturday 4th the Capital FM presenters were on stage doing introductions at the street jam as the radio launched 89.4 Capital FM in the western district of Uganda.

Ramesh was in the crowd looking for a juicy Mutooro lady to give him Empaako. Empaako is a special name of endearment, respect and praise. Each mutooro is given one of the ten "empaako" names: Abbala, Abbooki, Abwooli, Acaali, Adyeeri, Akiiki, Amooti, Apuuli, Araali, Ateenyi, Atwooki.

With a crowd of over 3000 people and hot Tooro beauties, the main fear was for Ramesh to find his way back stage.

The Muhindi was last heard announcing his empaako moments before the climax of the street jam on Saturday 4th at Rukiidi III and Kaboyo streets in fort portal town.

The Capital FM crew realized their fear after Ramesh failed to show up at the hotel room after the show. The Muhindi never made it to Kampala with the rest of the team after a successful launch.

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