By Wasswa Deo

Parents countrywide have been urged to offer their necessary support in implementing the National Adolescent health policy in the country by adding their voices to speak out and create awareness about Sexual and reproductive health care to their children.

The call is made by Uganda health marketing group-UHMG, anon government organization that strives to provide essential, affordable health care solutions to all especially to the youth.

According to Marietta Katende, programs officer at UHMG, parents need to play their part in influencing adolescent in decision that they make.

She says many parents are fearing or ashamed of talk to their children about sex related information, forgetting  that even their silence influences adolescent in the decisions that  the make.

Marietta made the remarks during Uganda Health Marketing Group and Media dialogue on how the two parties can work best to archive the goals of Voices for Health Communication Campaign, a new campaign designed to raise awareness around the youth’s needs for sexual and reproductive health care in Uganda anchored on the National Adolescent Health Policy, a progressive but unimplemented policy.


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