Comedian Anne Kansiime took on her Facebook to express her disappointment in whoever is planning to sell the National theater.

In the Video Kansiime shares that she watched the News on NTV Uganda that the Uganda Cultural center commonly known to many has the National theater was going to be sold to a person that she suspects is not Ugandan.

"As if the culture in this country is not eroded enough, you want to sell the National theater? "- Anne Kansiime

Kansiime expresses disappointment in most of the video that she is prompted to express the feeling in her mother tongue (Rukiga).

The clip that starts with the comedian confessing that she is excited about her newly acquired office at the National theater.

She continues and urges Government to be shy about this move. She has asked fellow artists to arise and save the National theater.

" Manya selling the National theater is you waking up in the morning, the head of the house and you want to sell the door and you sell the rights of admitting people in your house" - Anne Kansiime

She explains that she is not complaining because her office is housed at the theater but because of the iconic importance of the theater to Uganda especially the entertainment industry.

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