Police in Gulu are investigating a new racket of mobile money fraudsters.  According to police, the fraudsters hack into the account of mobile money dealers and steal their float.

James Asubu, the Officer in charge of Crimes at Gulu Central Police Station, says on average he receives three cases of fraudulent transactions each day. Asubu says several mobile money operators have lost millions of Shillings in fraudulent transactions.

He says the fraudsters work in groups and move from place to place to defraud dealers. Asubu faults the dealers for rushing to send cash without receiving anything in return.

Fatuma Nalubega, a mobile phone dealer in Gulu main market is the latest victim of the fraud. According to Nalubega, she lost Shillings 1.5 million to the racket.

Nalubega says the fraudsters tricked her using the identity of her boss to transfer the money on their accounts.


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