By Edwin Muhumuza
 More than 300 million shillings was paid to a secretary, a case officer and a legal officer as a reward for their contribution to the oil arbitration case in London.
The parliamentary committee on commission’s state agencies and enterprises has heard that Golooba Remmy, Rose Adakuni and Syson Ainembabazi  received 35million, 139million, and 133million respectively. The committee has also posed queries as to how the 14billion shillings award as court damages and the 80billion allotted to URA as supplementary budget was spent on arbitration suspecting there   was gross abuse of funds.
The chairperson of the Oil-handshake probe committee, Hon.Abdu Katuntu, has ordered for travel documentations of all staff that went abroad during the arbitration of the Heritage oil case. This was after Uganda Revenue Authority officials remained elusive on how many times they traveled to London.