The inspector general of the government Irene Mulyagonja says if there is any authority that can verify the wealth and assets of former director supervision at the central bank, Justine Bagyenda, she welcomes it.

Mulyagonja says, this will vindicate her from public accusations that she has failed to investigate her friend Bagyenda.

‘’We shall gladly handover the declarations so that, that authority handles the verification so that the public stops accusing me of being friends, I don’t know where they trace me being friend to Bagyenda, but as far as I know, I came to know Justine Bagyenda as director supervision at the central bank two years back.’’ IGG noted.

According to her, she also welcomes the proposed new anti corruption unit due to be set up in the office of the president.  ‘’ I want to see whether because of this unit, people will stop coming to the office IGG to raise complaints'', she added.  

Mulyagonja said that if the president wants to have this unit  for those special cases of corruption where people will be more interested in reporting to the office the president, she is not averse  that process

During the state on national address on Wednesday 6th, President Museveni, announced his intentions to create a new anti corruption unit to assist in fighting corruption

The unit will comprise of three people namely, Former Uganda national teacher's Union general secretary James Tweheyo, Ms. Martha Assimwe and sister Akiror.

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