By Deo Wasswa

The findings from a new survey on status of emergency medical services in Uganda have found the system lacking.

The survey conducted in May this year by Makerere school of Public health shows that Ambulances are lacking almost everything that would be needed to provide care on the way to health facility.

The survey reached to 111 health facilities both the public and private across the country and it assessed both the pre-hospital as well as facility based emergency medical services capacity in the country.

According to Dr. Olive Kobusingye, the lead researcher, the survey covered six pillars which include, leadership and governance, financing, information, health workforce, machines, equipment and supplies plus service delivery.

The survey considered all levels of health care delivery except the community, thus the findings reflect the  status at the national and district level and covered regional referral hospitals, general hospitals, health center  IVs, IIIs and stand –alone pre hospital care providers

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