By Moses Kidandi

Several people are still being held by Police in Kampala following a weekend raid on bars in the Kabalagala area.

Over 15 people were arrested in a raid on some city bars in an operation targeting those smoking tobacco and water pipes referred to as shisha.

Among those arrested is South Sudan minister, Doup Simon.

The public is now condemning police for use of excess force during such arrests.

In 2015, parliament passed the tobacco control bill into a law.

This would make it illegal to smoke cigarettes in public, and smoke shisha in public places.

According to the British heart foundation, Shisha pipes use tobacco sweetened with fruit or molasses sugar, which makes the smoke more aromatic than cigarette smoke. Popular flavourings include apple, plum, coconut, mango, mint, strawberry and cola. Wood, coal, or charcoal is burned in the shisha pipe to heat the tobacco and create the smoke because the fruit syrup or sugar makes the tobacco damp.

When you smoke shisha, you and anyone sitting near you are breathing in smoke which releases toxins including carbon monoxide and heavy metals –reducing your body’s ability to carry oxygen around in your blood. Visit our smoking page to find out more about the effect that smoking has your body.

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