Proceeds from this year’s CJ’s Kyambogo run will be committed to promoting neonatal health care in one of the health facilities under Kampala Capital City Authority-KCCA management. Funds raised from the 1st September annual event at the Kyambogo cricket oval will be used to purchase incubator machines to improve the lives of preterm born babies in Kampala.

Buganda’s Royal Prince David Kintu Wassajja will be the chief runner at the Café Java’s run under the theme “ run 4 premature babies”

“I am very glad to be here to be part of this very good noble cause which is to raise money for the premature born, the less fortunate and disadvantaged people in our society. As you all are aware, I am a sports enthusiast, I like running, and running is more enjoyable when you are running for a good cause so I am very happy to be part of this initiative” averred Prince Wassajja.

He encouraged the public to participate in “a very good cause to raise money for buying equipment for premature babies”. To those not willing to run, Prince Wassajja says they can buy tickets at 20,000 from all Café Javas restaurant outlets around Kampala, thereby contributing to the cause.

According to Yasin Ahmed, the director Café Javas they chose this cause following an increase in reports of premature babies dying in hospitals around Kampala Statistics show that preterm births in Uganda stand between 13-14 percent, while 15 million babies are born prematurely worldwide. “ When this opportunity came to support the Kyambogo run, which translates to supporting the premature babies in buying incubators for some of the hospitals, we quickly jumped on it because it aligns with the Mandel Group of companies goals to support sports and support premature babies," said director Café Javas

A preterm baby is a high-risk infant prone to infection due to the compromised immunity and undeveloped antibodies. South Africa’s High commissioner to Uganda Prof. Maj. Gen. Lekoa Solly Mollo will be the chief guest. Yayiro Kasasa of Beyond Sports organization, the key organizer of the event revealed that the run will have 21 Kilometer, 10 Kilometer, and 5 Kilometer targeting a total of 1000 participants.

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