By Sania Babirye

Embattled interdicted Jinja RDC Erick Sakwa has written to the Jinja district security officer to give him access to his office or failure to do so drag him and government to court for defying a court order and taking over his office without his consent.

Through his lawyers of Nyote&company advocates, Sakwa has asked Fred Musoke and attorney general to immediately hand him his office back since the DISO had raided his office and closed it before the interdiction letter from President Museveni.

Sakwa says he has been forced to work from his government car since the DISO has denied him access to his office despite a court order by the Jinja high court reinstating him in his office.

On the 21st of this month Eric Sakwa's joy of being reinstated in his office as the Jinja RDC was short lived after President Museveni ordered him to vacate the office and ordered the director of public prosecutions to investigate his alleged manslaughter and robbery charges.

This is after the high court in jinja on the 20th of May issued an interim order reinstating Sakwa as RDC until hearing and disposal of his main case in which he us challenging his first interdiction

However, in a letter written by President Museveni to the Minster in Charge of the Presidency Hon. Esther Mbayo, dated May 11, 2020, president Museveni has instructed minister Mbayo to see that Sakwa hies away on a forced leave of two months to allow court hear and disposal off the said manslaughter case.

The said letter from President Museveni read " I hear Sakwa is accused of being present when a Mwanainchi was being beaten by LDUs and that the Mwaninchi died... I have since got information that this was a frame up by some corrupt people in the Jinja area that are fighting Sakwa because of his good work. That, moreover, Sakwa was not on the scene and that the man fell down later and died from the injuries caused by the fall, etc.

A Ugandan dying is very serious. It is in the interests of, first and foremost Sakwa, for facts to come out establishing the truth. Was Sakwa on the scene when the LDUS were bearing a Mwanainchi? That would be bad enough even if the Mwanainchi didn’t die. Violence by security forces should only be used in self-defense, if a suspect is violent. Even then, it should be violence to subdue the suspect and arrest him, not anything else.

With addition of death, it becomes very serious. It is good that Sakwa got bail. Let him go on leave for two months and work with the Director of Public Prosecutions and the court systems to get the facts and conclude the case.

This is not a political matter for dialogue. It is a serious criminal allegation. If the accusers of Sakwa are lying, it will boomerang on them.” it concludes.

On the 29th of April, jinja court Chief magistrate Jessica Chemeri released Sakwa on a non cash five million court bond after spending five days in Kirinya government prison.

His sureties included Hon.Nelson Lufafa Member of Parliament for Butembe county, Kagoma county MP Walyomu Muwanika , Mayor Majidu Batambuze and jinja LC5 chairman Kisambira Titus.

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