By Daudi Zirimala

Food Rights Alliance together with Twaweza have today presented a fact sheet report indicating that 47% of Ugandan households depend on agriculture to survive in urban areas; people depend equally on crop farming and casual labor for their income.

In urban areas, 1 out of 4 citizens (25%) rely on casual labor as their main source of income, the same share as rely on growing and selling crops.

Marie Nanyanzi of Sautiza Wananchi at Twaweza,said, Ugandans often have more than one source of income to ensure they can meet their household needs.

She notes even urban households rely significantly on agriculture for their income and food security, suggesting that urban agriculture is a vital area and should be supported by the government.

Agnes Kirabo the Executive Director Food Rights Alliance said, Agricultural production is the bedrock of people’s livelihoods and survival, in both rural and urban settings.

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