
By Sania Babirye

Ugandan fading Gospel singer Nabbi Omukazi real name Maggie Kayima has further been remanded to Kigo government prison after court failing to rule on her application for dismissal.

Nabbi Omukazi had asked Buganda road court grade one Magistrate Gladys Kamasanyu to dismiss the charges of aiding a suspected criminal to escape the country on grounds that they are defective, however, state asked court to dismiss the said application on grounds that it was baseless.

She has now been further remanded until the 28th of this month when court will be able to rule on her application.

Nabbi Omukazi was charged on the 11th of December 2020 for allegedly trying to help pastor Siraje Ssemanda who is accused of defrauding believers of 4.5 billion shillings in a fake government scholarship and and Employment Scam escape prosecution by running away from the country.

She is jointly charged with pastor Sirajje pastor Franklin Mondo Mugisha who has also been ordered to present himself in court on the 28 of January 2021 without fail.

In the last court sitting it was reported that pastor Mondo is in self isolation as he contracted the Corona Virus.

Nabbi Omukazi and pastor Sirajje were arrested at the Mutukula boarder trying to cross into Tanzania.

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