Buganda Road Court has ordered two men to pay a four million Court Fine or spends three years in Prison over hunting protected wildlife animals. 

The two led by Mugume Vanecia appeared before Buganda Road Court chief magistrate Miriam Okello Ayo and pleaded guilty to the offence of unlawful being in possession of Four Elephant Ivory and four Hipoteeth.

The magistrate then convicted them on their own plea of guilty and ordered them to pay a court fine of two million each h or failure to do serves a three year jail sentence. 

While sentencing them, the Magistrate observed that the convicts were first time offenders, who seemed remorseful and did not waste courts time when they accepted the said offence. 

She however noted that the offence of hunting and killing of protected wildlife animals is on the rise anx that the there is need for a deterrence sentence to curb it.

She warned the convicts that if they committed the said offences again, they will get a deterrent sentence. 

She also directed that  the said ivory and Hipoteeth  be forwarded to Uganda Wildlife Authority for further management.

 Evidence shows that the convicts committed the said offences  on the 15th of  September  2021 at Gibale trading centre Bwera in Kasese district.End.

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