In Summary
  • The  online registration will help in the fight against financial crime
  • Digital Certificates of Registration issued shall take precedent over the previously issued hard copy.
A Digital certificated of registration will be issued at the completion the electronic registration , and this will replace all previously issued hard copies
Image: Gloria Nakiyimga

The Finance Intelligence Authority –FIA has gone digital with online registration for all accountable persons and issuance of electronic certificates of registration.

Using advanced technology, the online registration will help in the fight against financial crime because it provides real time statistics on accountable persons complying with the anti-money laundering regulation 2015.

Accountable entities or persons include Banks, microfinance deposit taking entities, Insurance companies, Securities Exchange, NGO’s, Real estate agents, virtual service providers, Accountants, among others.

 Speaking during the launch of the online registration and electronic certificate this week, FIA Executive director Sydney Asubo said the goAML platform supporting the electronic registration is very secure as information captured from the accountable persons is stored in a confidential format.

It is also seamless and convenient to register online, offers automated confirmation and an eco-friendly process aligned with the NDPIII digitization programmes.

FIA ED Sydney Asubo 3rd from the left pose for a group photo with UNODC Country representative Sharon Lesa Nyambe 2nd from the lef, and the Director E-govt Service at NITA-Uganda Collin Barikamu after launching online registration service
Image: Gloria Nakiyimba

The electronic registration will now replace the manual registration,

“All accountable persons who have manually registered with the FIA and issued with physical/ hard copy certificates of registration shall be electronically registered on to the goAML system and issued with electronic certificates of registration also known as the Digital Certificate of Registration” said the executive director Asubo.

He noted that in addition the Digital Certificates of Registration issued shall take precedent over the previously issued hard copy.

FIA procured the goAML system from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime-UNODC.

UNODC country Rep, Sharon Lesa Nyambe listens to Collin Babirukamu the director E-govt services at NITA-Ug
Image: Gloria Nakiyimba

Sharon Lesa Nyambe the UNODC country Representative said the platform has basically assisted FIA in the migration of all its manual operations and processes to electronic operations and processes

Asubo warned that failure to register with FIA is an offense under Section 133 of the Anti-Money laundering Act 2013 and attracts penalties stipulated in section 136(2) of the same Act.

The penalties include paying a penalty of between five million and 150 million Uganda shillings depending on the gravity of the offence.

 The Financial Intelligence Authority combats money laundering, terrorism financing, proliferation financing and coordinate national risk assessments. 

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