Uganda Manufacturer's demand for efficient transport system.
- Manufactures are asking government to fast track on its infrastructural projects.
- The request is intended to minimize the rising costs of production .
Image: UMA
Manufactures under their umbrella organization, the Uganda Manufacturers association have asked government to fast track on its infrastructural projects in a bid to minimize the rising costs of production which in turn is affecting final consumers.
This was raised during this year’s annual general meeting of members of the Uganda manufacturers association, the largest Business membership Organization representing the manufacturing sector in the country.
As they resolve to push for railway and water transport, Deo Kayemba the Chairman - Uganda Manufacturers Association says they need a number of incentives on all major costs mainly on transport, high taxes and electricity tariffs so as to ensure that business operators are able to benefit from their business operations, set up more production lines, create more employment and pay taxes.
Image: UMA
President Museveni had earlier told manufacturers that government of Uganda was building infrastructure, such as roads, among others .
Government is also promoting partnership with the neighboring countries of Kenya and Tanzania to build the standard gauge railway line as well as expanding electricity generation in order to reduce the cost of doing business in the country.
Regarding the issue of high interest rates, President Museveni explained to the manufacturers that the government capitalize government banks namely the Uganda Development Bank and Post Bank so that they give loans to borrowers at no more than 12% annually.