In Summary
  • Since December 2022 to date, more than 328 accidents have occurred in Uganda and over 78 lives have been lost.
  • People who are not fit are the ones sitting behind the steering wheel.
Global Coaches
Image: Courtesy Photo

Doctors under their Umbrella body Uganda Medical Association (UMA),together with The Association of Surgeons of Uganda (ASOU) and the Emergency Care Society of Uganda (ESCSU) are suggesting that every driver should undergo a test before getting their driver's license to prevent and mitigate rampant accidents on roads.

Since December 2022 to date, more than 328 accidents have occured in Uganda and over 78 lives have been lost.

 According to the Trauma , Injuries and Disability (TRIAD) unit at Makerere University school of public Health (MakSPH) 29 deaths per 100,000 population occur in Uganda; the highest in the world . Boda Boda accidents ,large trucks and buses comprise the highly accountable for most of these accidents.

While addressing journalists at Mulago Dr Edith Nakku Joloba the president UMA said that the loss of life and great harm from accidents is abnormally high and something must be done to save life .

Nakku revealed that as medical practitioners, they strongly recommend re-testing and physical examination for passenger buses, passenger Service vehicles(PSV) and Heavy Good Vehicle (HGV) drivers every 6 months for examination of eye sight and other body parts by competent medical personnel.

She has disclosed that many drivers on the road need to be examined because many through corruption received driving documents when they are not qualified.

This, according to her, is part of the reason why accidents occur because people who are not fit are the ones sitting behind the steering wheel.

The group believes when the 6 months examination is introduced, accidents will be history in Uganda.

 Dr Nakku appealed to the government to provide more equipped and timely ambulance service, emergency physicians and surgeons and equip all Regional emergency facilities to cater for accident victims.

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