In Summary
  • Uganda is yet to attain the 40% enrollment ratio,how ever Dr Muvawala maintains that universities should only adopt courses that are not available in Uganda.
Executive Director at f the National planning Authority Dr Joseph Muvawala.
Image: Moses kidandi

The National Planning Authority has warned the government against allowing universities across the country to duplicate courses and transferring the cost to the government which is paying lecturers recruited for repeated courses.

Public Universities in Uganda are comprised of Busitema University, Gulu University, Kabale University, Kyambogo University, Lira University, Makerere University, and Makerere University Business School. Having many universities in the country in every subregion as recommended by the president is essential is important for the government to achieve the gross enrollment ratio of 40 percent.

However, the Executive Director of the National Planning Authority Dr. Joseph Muvawala is advising that universities should concentrate on delivering courses that Uganda does not have.

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