In Summary
  • According to the DPP, she has sufficient evidence in form of call data and phone  records showing that the 19 suspects were in communication with the three suicide bombers .
Lady Judge Jane Frances Abodo
Image: Courtesy Photo

The Director of Public Prosecutions Jane Frances Abodo has directed that the trial of 19 people who are suspected to have manufactured, placed and detonated explosives in Kampala, Wakiso and Mpigi districts last year can proceed before the International Crimes Division of the High court.

This is after papers containing evidence sending the suspects to the High court has been tendered before Buganda Road Court Grade one magistrate Asuman Muhumuza .

According to the DPP, she has sufficient evidence in form of call data and phone  records showing that the 19 suspects were in communication with the three suicide bombers .

They  are Isaac Matovu  who blew himself up in a swift bus along Lungula Mpigi,  Uthman Manisur who killed himself at CPS Kampala  and Abudallah Wanjusi who blew himself up  at  Jubilee House near Parliament.

In order to prove the nexus of the accused to the deceased suicide bombers, the DPP contends in her  committal papers that at the trial ,   she will adduce several exhibits  including a blue chest bag containing Improvised Explosive devices that was recovered from the House of  one of  the suspect ;  Nakato  Annet Nakibiringo   who  later confessed that it was supposed  to be used in March 2022 as panic and fear  had relatively calm down among the public. 

Court has further   heard that documentary evidence in form of confession statements where the suspects implicated themselves for aiding and abetting terrorism by mainly financing, transporting and harbouring terrorists will be tendered in court ,

Police report forms that confirm that survivor victims were treated for injuries caused by pieces of fragments of sharp objects, post-mortem reports indicating that the deceased died of explosive objects and doctors reports showing that the 19 suspects are found to be of a sane  mind to stand trial will also be produced in court .

The group that include 5 women followed Wednesday’s proceedings on zoom while on remand at  Luzira ,  Kitalya and Kigo government prisons .

These who were arrested last year face  charges  of terrorism ,  belonging to a rebel group ADF ,  aiding and abetting terrorism and terrorism financing. 

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