In Summary
  • Dr. John Ekure is the  director of Kumi Orthopedic Center.
  • This is his second book titled “Changing our World”.
Capt Mike Mukula representing the speaker of parliament launches Dr John Okures book titled changing our world.
Image: Moses Kidandi--Capital FM

The director of Kumi Orthopedic Center Dr. John Ekure, has launched  his second book titled “Changing our World”.

John Ekure is a treasure of medicine. He has provided immense leadership in the care of patients,advancing clinical practice with research, and developing a transformative approach particularly to the world of orthopaedic surgery.

The Book launch took place at Hotel Africana in Kampala and was graced by different dignitaries from the Government, Health sector, Private sector and friends.

The newly launched book has three main pillars, and these include The Mindset Change, Productivity, and Human skills.

Speaking during the colorful event, Dr. John Ekure, the author of the book said that the three main pillars in the book are so critical in changing the economic status of the people.

Board Chairman NEMA Prof James Okot Okumu,Dr Francis Omaswa,Dr John Okure,Capt Mike Mukula and Hon Elija Okupa at after receiving 10 million shillings as proceeds from the purchase of the book by the speaker of parliament Rt Hon Anita Among.
Image: Moses kidandi--Capital FM

He noted that with the growing population of young people in Uganda, Africa and world at large, issues like mindset change shouldn’t be ignored.

The Chief Guest was the speaker of Parliament Rt Hon Anita Among represented by Capt Mike Mukula.

He commended Dr. Ekure for coming up with such a brilliant idea of writing this book.” It is important that we write books, and I would like to thank Dr. Ekure John for having deepen the analysis to contextualize it and narrow it with challenges we face in society today”. Mukulu said.

“If we don’t concentrate on addressing the mindset change with this kind of young growing population we are having in Uganda where 80% is bellow 30 years, Uganda and Africa at large will have a lost generation. Therefore, this book is a resource of what Africa continent needs” he  added.

The nature of our education standards and the quality of the curriculum we have, and the competition for life in terms of existence, the society is coming up with many challenges. These challenges are what determines and drivers the Paradigm in this book”. He spoke.

” If the world is to change, we now need to examine the five major areas that have changed the world and these includes scientific revolution, civilization, industrialization and ICT revolution’. He noted.

Proceeds from the book launch was geared at raising funds for the Elizabeth Opola Foundation which is to sponsor un privileged youth with education and also promote environment conservation causes.

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