In Summary
  • The platform aims at addressing the various challenges that come with climate change towards the development of the country's agricultural sector
Henry Nakalet Opolot the Commissioner Agriculture Extension
Image: Courtesy photo

The Ministry of Agriculture in partnership with SNV has launched the Uganda Climate Smart Agriculture Multi-Stakeholder Platform to address the various challenges that come with climate change towards the development of the country's agricultural sector.

While launching the initiative Henry Nakalet  Opolot the Commissioner of Agriculture Extension notes that climate change has highly affected the agricultural sector stating that the platform will enable several players to come up with joint efforts and solutions to ease the situation.

He explained that the  lack of coordinated efforts has resulted in inefficiencies and reduced the effectiveness of substantial resource

“The purpose of starting  this initiative is to bring everybody on board so that we have a common goal and perhaps pull our efforts together so that  we know the  most critical issues to address and how best to respond to this challenge of climate change so that the sector doesn’t continue suffering”, he stated

Opolot explained that the platform aims to Foster collaboration among state and non-state CSA stakeholders to achieve the agro-industrialization agenda and promote coordination, resource mobilization, and alignment of various CSA interventions among others.

The Country Director for SNV Phomolo Maphosa noted that the country’s agricultural sector has continued to face several challenges including climate change but is optimistic that with joint efforts those challenges can be solved.

“As development partners, we are profoundly delighted with the opportunity to contribute to efforts geared towards improving absorptive capacity, adaptation capacities, and transformative capacities to climate change effects,” Phomolo stated.

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