In Summary
  • This is due to the changing weather conditions which result in disasters leading to loss of lives on the lake.
UNMA Public Relations Officer Lillian Nkwenge
Image: Robert Segawa

The Uganda National Meteorological Authority has cautioned Civil Aviation Training schools not to fly small aircraft above the waters on Lake Victoria after the marine forecasts indicated that there are strong winds that are going to be experienced in June and July on Lake. Victoria.

This is due to the changing weather conditions which result in disasters leading to loss of lives on the lake.

According to the principal spokesperson of Ugandan national meteorological authority Lilian Nkwenge says that Entebbe and North east of Lake Victoria Sese, Kalangala they are still having turbulence which may lead to dangers.

She further adds that they have been giving weather advisory to people using the lake who include fisher men, small aircraft operators, boat trained as well as beach goers through the marine department.

Nkwenge was addressing the Media at Naguru police headquarters on weather changes that bring strong winds and big waves on Lake Victoria which have been dangerous since Sunday.

Lilian Nkwenge warned that those traveling along Lake Victoria and those that fly small aircraft should suspend their activities and operations because they are not safe at the moment.

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