In Summary
  • The passports  were returned by the labor Export companies  after failing to get jobs for the owners.
Simon Peter Mundeyi
Image: Robert Segawa

The Ministry of Internal affairs is stuck with over 9000 passports which were returned by Labor Export Companies .

This after their owners failed to  go for external Labour.  Last year in October, the Ministry of Internal affairs announced that they will be conducting audits and investigations on some of the labor Export companies.

There were reports that  some of the companies had confiscated about 10000 passports of Ugandans whoM they promised to get job placements abroad..

Simon Peter Mundeyi the Ministry's spokesperson noted that about 9000 passports were returned by the labor Export companies which are now in his office.

He appealed to the public,whose  passports  were with  labor Export companies in the last two years, to get in touch with the Ministry so that they get their passports back.

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