In Summary
  • He has been committed by Buganda Road Court Chief Magistrate Ronald Kayizzi after prosecution presented committal papers from the Director of Public Prosecutions upon completion of Police investigations into the said charge.
Arinaitwe Gilbert Bwana
Image: Sania Babirye

Col.Kizza Besigye's tormentor; SP Arinaitwe Gilbert Bwana has been committed to the High Court to face trial on charges of Aggravated Trafficking in person.

The 43 year old police officer attached to Crime Intelligence Headquarters R/O Nalumunye-Bandwe Rubaga Division,Kampala district is said to have committed the crime  between the month of June and July 2023 at Nalumunye-Bandwe Rubalga Division when he  transported or recruited or received or  harbored Namukasa Joan, by means of fraud or deception or abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability to achieve her consent for the purpose of exploitation to wit; sexual exploitation and the offence was committed by a law enforcement officer employed in a public office.

He has been committed by Buganda Road Court Chief Magistrate Ronald Kayizzi after prosecution presented committal papers from the Director of Public Prosecutions upon completion of Police investigations into the said charge.

According to the committal papers presented by Chief State prosecutor, the DPP intends to prove by adducing evidences including:the victim was staying in Ntungamo with her father who happens to be witch doctor and barred her to go  to church and that in 2018,she dropped out of school due sickness which she  blamed  on her father"s evil spirits.

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