In Summary
  • He has been ordered to return to Court on July 25th 2024 to recieve his bail ruling.
  • Nyeko has been jointly charged with the former Executive Director Mulago National Refferal Hospital Dr.Byarugaba Baterana Bonaventura and seven  others who were on June 27th 2024 granted bail.
The Assistant commissioner accounts Mulago Referral Hospital Nyeko Ponsiano
Image: Sania Babirye

The Assistant commissioner accounts Mulago Referral Hospital Nyeko Ponsiano has been remanded to Luzira prison for causing  a financial loss of billions of shillings to his employer through  irregular and double payments to supplier companies.

Nyeko appeared before Anti-Corruption Court Grade One Magistrate Abert Asiimwe and denied the allegations that preferred against him by the Prosecution. 

He has been ordered to return to Court on July 25th 2024 to recieve his bail ruling.

Nyeko has been jointly charged with the former Executive Director Mulago National Refferal Hospital Dr.Byarugaba Baterana Bonaventura and seven  others who were on June 27th 2024 granted bail.

They are charged with several offences including; abuse of office and causing a 6.3 billion shillings loss to the National Referral Hospital.

Prosecution insists that between financial years 2015/ 2016 , 2016 / 2017 and 2019 / 2020 , Dr. Byarugaba and other eight Mulago hospital officials  being authorized users of the integrated Financial Management System and in Abuse of their respective offices  flouted both public  procurement and payment procedures by approving payments to Setramaco International company for supplies,  routine servicing and repair works of hospital machines which were never executed. 

Some of the fraudulent acts committed by the accused which led to the multi -billion shillings  loss are ; the  purported supply of consumables for non-existence autoclaves ( sterilization equipment) with capacity    at 3.6 billion shillings  , an  irregular processing of 1.5 billion shillings    for the  routine serving of autoclaves  all  paid to Setramaco International Ltd with out following procedures governing public payments. 


The accused are also said to have caused multiple payments  to a tune of 1.7 billion shillings to Setramaco International  for the alleged relocation and installation of a  Multi-Ironer , relocation of steam cooking pans from lower to Upper Mulago and supply of Molten  blankets  yet the same activities had already been paid for by Mulago National Referral Hospital.

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