In Summary
  • The mere fact that the clerk to parliament was indicted, is evidence enough that those that sat and allocated the service award to themselves are immoral.
The Leader of Opposition,Joel Ssenyonyi,(in grey suit) alongside colleagues
Image: Courtesy

The Leader of the Opposition(LOP) in Parliament Joel Ssenyonyi has accused the Speaker of Parliament Anita Among of  protecting the four commissioners of parliament even after a court ruled that they are innocent.

In his address to the media , he notes that, the mere fact that the clerk to parliament was indicted, is evidence enough that those that sat and allocated the service award to themselves are immoral.

“The bottom line is that it does not get the commissioners off the hook because if the court that you run to, to absolve you wants the clerk to be punished, and so the speaker should not try to shield these people because there are many things that happen in that commission that are problematic” says, Ssenyonyi.

In regard to the regional sittings, he insists that they are still opposed to that agenda in the wake of blackmail.

“I saw yesterday my picture being used to promote these regional sittings even after we came out clearly expressing concerns over it.”

The boycott of the sitting by the opposition has seen legislators from the region accuse the Leader of Opposition of segregating the area, a claim that he has denied.

“If parliament is serious about addressing the concerns from the different regions, why don’t we allocate a week for each region to have all leaders from those areas come together to generate key action plans, which is less costly than the billions being spent on the activity” he opines.

Ssenyonyi adds “In fact, the concerns of many of these places have been raised by MPs but nothing has been done for example, Karuma bridge concerns”

On the Kiteezi landfill disaster, he is blaming the government for negligence and that the UGX 5 million as compensation is not enough to even bury the dead.

“We are demanding that the government immediately compensate these families adequately, and once that does not happen quickly, we shall support the families taking legal action against it and Kampala Capital City Authority in that matter, ”he notes.

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