In Summary
  • A general workshop will  be constructed in Mbale industrial park to help local youth  develop their skills and expand their enterprises.
  • The Young people from Bugisu subregion Tluck  sufficient capital and land, despite having promising business ideas. 
  • The President is expected to tour Bugisu subregion in the coming days.
Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa with investors touring Mbale industrial park .
Image: Courtesy photo

Starting in the next financial year, the government will provide start-up kits to all youth who complete training at the presidential skilling hubs.

The deputy speaker Thomas Tayebwa made this announcement while meeting with youth leaders from Bugisu subregion  at Mbale Industrial Park.

He said that the decision had been reached with the President and  urged the youth in Bugisu to take advantage of this opportunity. 

He also addressed several requests made by the youth leaders, such as start-up capital, market access for young farmers, scholarships, and the establishment of a public university.

Tayebwa  confirmed having agreed with the chairperson of Mbale Industrial Park, Paul Zhang, to construct a general workshop equipped for small businesses, which would allow local youth to develop their skills and expand their enterprises.

''When we create a general workshop with equipment, these youth can start small, develop their skills, and when their businesses grow, they can move out and create space for others.

”Additionally, Tayebwa promised to follow up on the demand for the creation of Elgon University, stressing its importance, particularly with the presence of the industrial park, where students could gain practical skills.

Mbale Industrial Division MP Karim Masaba also appealed to Tayebwa to request the President's support for youth start-up capital and land for project development.

Masaba highlighted the struggles many young people face, such as insufficient capital and lack of land, despite having promising business ideas.

He hopes the government can provide more resources to support their entrepreneurial efforts.

The President is expected to tour Bugisu subregion in the coming days.

Earlier the deputy speaker Tayebwa had launched a Chinese iron and manufacturing plant at the Mbale industrial park, Unisteel Investment Uganda Limited.

Tayebwa promised  to rally parliament and the entire government to give all the necessary support to the proprietors of the factory.

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