In Summary
  • NUDIPU carried out an assessment on school going children with disabilities in Wakiso, Mpigi, Luuka, Mayuge, Amuru, Moyo, Gulu and Yumbe .
  • Out of the 254 children assessed ,195 required assistive devices including wheel chairs, eye glasses, white canes, cratches, hearing aids among others to actively participate in school.
Aero ketty-NUDIPU Chairperson addressing the media in kampala.
Image: Moses kidandi

The National Union of People living with disabilities is appealing to the  government, the public, well wishers and other development partners to  Join this noble cause of supporting learners with disabilities by providing them with assistive devices/ technologies and fill the big gap in order to facilitate their presence, participation and achievement in school.

This follows a recent study  on school going children with disabilities in Wakiso, Mpigi, Luuka, Mayuge, Amuru, Moyo, Gulu and Yumbe .

Out of the 254 children assessed ,195 required assistive devices including wheel chairs, eye glasses, white canes, cratches, hearing aids among others to actively participate in school.

Some of the assistive devices that NUDIPU is lobbying for .
Image: Coutesy

As a result ,the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU) has launched the distribution of assistive devices to children with disabilities in the districts of; Wakiso, Mpigi, Luuka, Mayuge, Amuru, Moyo, Gulu and Yumbe. Education is one of the fundamental human rights for Persons with disabilities.

However, Children with disabilities continue to be left behind as they face several challenges in accessing inclusive education and other opportunities on equal basis with others due to limited or no assistive devices and on inclusive learning environment to facilitate their learning.

The National Action Plan for Children with Disabilities 2016/17- 2020/21 by Ministry of Gender Labor and Social Development suggests that 5.82% of Ugandan Children are estimated to be children with disabilities.

This translates to 2,027,148 children with disabilities (1,052,000 boys and 974,488 girls) most of whom are affected largely due to the education system that is not inclusive, coupled with inadequate assistive devices to facilitate their presence, participation and achievement in school.

It is upon this background that in 2021, NUDIPU carried out an assessment on school going children with disabilities in Wakiso, Mpigi, Luuka, Mayuge, Amuru, Moyo, Gulu and Yumbe respectively to establish their assistive needs.

Out of the 254 children assessed ,195 required assistive devices including wheel chairs, eye glasses, white canes, cratches, hearing aids among others to actively participate in school.After the assessment, NUDIPU with funding from Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD) through the TOFI inclusive education project, procured an assortment of assistive devices for 195 children with disabilities in the 8 stated districts above to facilitate their presence, participation and achievement from inclusive education.

Aero ketty-NUDIPU Chairperson NUDIPU is now  also calling for contributions  towards breaking barriers to education for learners with disabilities through awareness raising about the needs of learners with disabilities.

She is calling for inclusiveness in planning and budgeting for assistive devices/ technologies for learners with disabilities so as to access education on equal basis with othersThis will contribute to the realization of the UN convention on The rights of Persons with Disabilities (Article 24) and sustainable development goal

On inclusive education, NUDIPU is encouraging  parents of the beneficiaries to support their children in other areas so as to realize their dream. It’s now my pleasure to flag off the distribution exercise of assistive devices to children with disabilities who were assessed in Wakiso, Mpigi, Luuka, Mayuge, Amuru, Moyo, Gulu and Yumbe districts.

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