In Summary
  • The system will allow the Makerere Endowment Fund to keep track of the years, courses and lives of our Alumni.
Prof. Nawangwe at the commissioning of the #MakAdvance system
Image: Makerere University

Makerere University commissioned the #MakAdvance system also known as The Endowment platform which is a crowdsourcing platform where alumni and other well wishers donate to numerous causes in the university. Alumni on the platform will be required to register and will be recognized for their donations on the wall of fame.

The #MakAdvance System will also have a wall of fame that ranks Donations based on how much has been donated.

Speaking at the commissioning of the MakAdvance system Professor Barnabas Nawangwe said, ‘’the question of how to donate to Makerere University has now been finally answered. Now we have a site and soon an App through which you can use contribute to make Makerere a better place.’’

According to Professor Nawangwe Barnabas Nawangwe who just got reappointed as the Vice Chancellor of Makerere University, the Makerere Medical School is one of the best medical schools in the world, but it doesn’t have a hospital. ‘‘We have a higher percentage of female students but few residence halls. The Endowment Fund can help us build a hospital and more female halls,’’ he says.

‘’We need to do more research and innovation on disaster preparedness & management like in the recent Mbale floods.

If all 390,000 alumni on the #MakAdvance decided to donate $1 each a year, we would have $ 390,000 or $10 each a year, we would have $ 3, 900,000.” If they became more generous & donated $100 each in a year, then we would have $39,100,000 & build a university center that helps students have a holistic learning approach,’’ he added.

The Vice Chancellor made these remarks as Makerere University was marking 100 years of excellence, at the Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, in the Council Room at the University Main Campus.

According to the MakAdvance system developer, Mr Joshua Muhumuza, it is built around seven pillars namely;

  • Alumni and Stakeholder Management: The section manages information including Alumni registration,chapter enrollment, societies subscriptions, alumni directory listing. So far, information for over 300,000 alumni is in the system.
  • Payment Management: This section allows for convenient payment options for our alumni and stakeholders as they donate towards different causes in the university Donor Ranking.
  • The Donor ranking section enables us to create a database of donors in recognition andrank donations made to the different causes using the available channels i.e. mobile money, PayPal, andcards.
  • Cause Management This section primarily manages the different causes in the university. This includes time- bound causes and non-time bound causes such as scholarships, events etc.
  • Events and Webinar Management: The system also tracks and profiles all events and webinars happening across the University from both Internal and external stakeholders.
  • Last but not least, the Dashboard, social media management Enables administration of information in the system and report generation

And finally, the Souvenir and Gifts Shop: This is an online shop for all Makerere University Souvenir itemsfor sale.

This system will continously be improved from time to time according to Prof. Umar Kakumba

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