In Summary
  • Mpuuga asked colleagues to abandon corridor talks and debate on reforms. 
  • The reforms include reducing the size of parliament and changing the method of electing MPs. 
  • Proportion representation of Mps.
Image: Courtesy photo

The former Leader of the Opposition in Parliament,also Nyendo Mukungwe County mp Mathias Mpuuga  has asked the opposition to bury their differences and demand for constitutional and electoral reforms that will move the country into the next elections. 

Addressing   the media at Parliament, Mpuuga said that with out the reforms to adress the major concerns of Ugandans then 2026 General elections  would be a recipe for disaster, inviting another round of chaos.

I have also heard from the colleagues in the opposition that say that all we need is free and fair elections, we don’t have to reform anything , dare say that is an invitation to another round of circus in 2026".Mpuuga noted.

Mpuuga asked the opposition to have a workable framework that will make the opposition functional beyond rhetoric and posturing, urging his colleagues in the opposition to abandon corridor talks and join forces to debate meaningful reforms,that will ensure the next elections bring about the desired constitutional democracy.

“It is not a preserve of the opposition to talk about reforms.

We need wide-ranging electoral and constitutional reforms , if the next cycle of electioneering is going to be purposeful, intentional,  with a consequence of giving the country a new direction.” Mpuuga said.

Mpuuga adds  that he has already engaged with many MPs across political devides, including those in the ruling NRM and independents, and committed himself to leading the charge for a wide-ranging national debate on constitutional and electoral reforms.

“I am going to be leading the onslaught at least in parliament and I am going to talk to other political platforms so we can join together…” He noted

Among the reforms, Mpuuga  is  pushing for include, cutting the size of parliament and changing the method of electing MPs,  grant the citizens in the diaspora  voting rights, reforming the composition of the Electoral Commission in a multiparty democracy, and determining military participation in elections.“

"How do you go into an election without discussing the way how Electoral Commission is composed in a multiparty democracy? We may not achieve everything at the go, but the opposition must lead the onslaught and must offer leadership in honest conversations about the role of the electoral commission.” Mpuuga said.

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