In Summary

The  9th to 21st November conference shall:

  • Strengthen synergies between key tourism players from Uganda and the Kenya coastal region;
  • address barriers and challenges to the partnership between Uganda and Kenya Coast.
  • Explore investment opportunities in the tourism sector in Uganda.
  • Allow participants to experience the tourism products in each of the two destinations so that they are better equipped to promote them.
Commissioner, Human Resource, MOFA (Mr Herbert Kiguuli) and (behind the banner) Consul General of Uganda to Mombasa(Ambassador Paul Mukumbya)
Image: MOFA

The Uganda-Kenya Coast Tourism Conference is an annual event organized by the Consulate General of Uganda in conjunction with tourism stakeholders in Uganda and the Kenya Coast.

The conference aims to consolidate networks, synergies, and diversity to maximize the tourism potential between Uganda and Kenya's coastal regions.

The event includes excursions at the Kenya Coast and a family trip to Uganda, as well as business-to-business sessions to enable participants from both countries to meet and interact.

The expected outcomes of the conference include increased tourist arrivals and investments in the tourism sectors, joint tourism packages, and increased traffic on the Entebbe-Mombasa route operated by Uganda Airlines.

The Minister of State for Tourism Martin Mugara launching the registration portal for the 3rd Uganda _Kenya Coast Tourism Conference at the Media launch at the Ministry Hdqtrs in Kampala.
Image: MOFA

it will also help  map/ work out a strategy for joint promotion of trade  between Uganda and Kenya Coast and enhance awareness about the complementarity between the two destinations and the tourism products they offer.

During a media briefing at the Ministry of foregn affairs in kampala,the Commissioner, Human Resource, Ministry of foregn affairs Mr Herbert Kiguuli and the  Consul General of Uganda to Mombasa Ambassador Paul Mukumbya tell the public that the conference shall also  assess the progress made in the cooperation between Uganda and Kenya Coast since the last two conferences.

this will  provide a platform for B2B networking, learning and information sharing;and also  equip the key tourism players from Uganda and the Kenya coastal region with firsthand experiences of key tourism attractions so that they are in a better position.

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