EA Directors League announces 3rd annual Non-Executive Directors Awards

In Summary
  • UBL injects 20 million shillings, Centenery bank 11 million shillings and NCBA bank 11 million also to wards orgnising the awards.
  • Aawards will take place on 23rd november at Kampala Sheraton hotel
Officials from League of East African Directors and partners during the launch of NEDs awards at Sheraton Hotel - Kampala
Image: Corprate Image

The League of East African Directors (LEAD) in partnership with Ernst & Young, on Wednesday launched the “Non-Executive Directors Awards” dubbed the NED Awards 2023.Slated for 23rd November 2023 at Sheraton Hotel Kampala, the awards are aimed to honor the accomplishments of Non-Executive Directors who play a pivotal role in the daily success and growth of businesses across Uganda and the broader East African region.

This year’s event will be celebrated under the theme “Celebrating Excellence in Stewardship.” The Keynote Speaker will be Mr. Batho Makhakhe, Partner People Advisory Services.

Ms. Pheona Wall Nabasa – CEO, LEAD told the press that the event is dedicated to celebrating their expertise, strategic guidance, and their contributions towards fostering NEDs and enhancing the quality of board directors in the region.

She noted that the NED awards serve as a foundational platform for Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) aspiring to secure more prominent board roles and offer them an opportunity for professional growth within the governance sector throughout East Africa.“We’ve seen an impact.

From the first time that we launched the awards, one of the things that has happened is that the value of governance has increased. As you can understand, in 2017, the Auditor General’s office in Uganda released a report on governance and it was very damning on banks, private and public companies. 

''But also, we saw in the early 2000s the collapse of banks across the East African region and this was all due to governance issues. Most of these banks were family-owned, and they took a lot of governance issues for granted,” she said.

Ms. Jackie Tahanizibwa – Corporate Relations Manager at Uganda Breweries noted that in most cases, because these board members are not executive members of the organizations, they do a lot but “we tend to forget to celebrate them.”So as UBL, we are very excited to be a part of the celebration, because we believe in celebrating life every day, everywhere, and that is our purpose. So we are really proud to be a part of this occasion where directors are going to be awarded and celebrated.

“So we’re hoping that they can be inspired by these awards, and even the upcoming directors will pick a leaf from this occasion.”Ms. Sandra Nakibuule Batte, Associate Director – Markets & Business Development Ernst & Young said

“With a commitment to excellence, EY’s role as the Quality Assurance partner for the NED Awards is an embodiment of our dedication to maintaining the integrity and objectivity of the recognition process for outstanding non-executive directors.

The NED AWARDS chairman organizing committee Mr. Jimmy Serugo applauded its partners Ernst & Young who felt compelled to create an opportunity through which the role and contributions of the Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) are appropriately appreciated.


Eunice Waweru- the Finance and Strategy Director-Uganda Breweries Limited concluded, “As UBL, we are proud and honored to be part of the 3rd NED Awards to recognize and honor all the non-executive directors whose contribution is key to ensuring sustainable business operations and overall performance.”