Roterians Donate to Help the Elderly .

In Summary

Mapeera Bakateyamba home is currently faced with a number of challenges:

  • The facility has become too old and needs urgent renovation.
  • Tracing of families for re unification has become a challenge as many of the elderly suffer fro memory loss,they don't remember where they came from.
  • The home needs continuous support to ran as it entirely relies on public support like Roterians and other well wishers.
visiting Rotary district governor for Uganda and Tanzania Agnes Batengas hands over wheel chairs to Sister Mary Lawrence Nakiwude as part of the additional assistance extended to the home .
visiting Rotary district governor for Uganda and Tanzania Agnes Batengas hands over wheel chairs to Sister Mary Lawrence Nakiwude as part of the additional assistance extended to the home .
Image: Moses Kidandi

Rotarian's have pledged more support towards the well being of  the needy persons at Bakateyamba home in Nalukolongo and called on the public and well wishers to help them.

The call was made by the visiting Rotary district  governor for Uganda and Tanzania Agnes Batengas who in company of Rotary Club of Rubaga visited Mapeera Bakateyamba home that takes care of over 50 elderly and less privileged persons.

According to Sister Mary Lawrence Nakiwude the home administrator  the home is currently struggling to sustain the needy persons with medical care as they entirely survive on support from the public and well wishers.

Image: Moses Kidandi

The Rotarian's under the Rotary club of Rubaga south  delivered an assortment of items mainly wheel chairs worth millions of shillings that can help the needy persons have relative mobility and comfort.

Image: Moses Kidandi

The home was started in 1980 by the Late Cardinal Emmanuel Nsubuga.According to Sister Mary Lawrence Nakiwude says they have challenges identifying homes of most persons as they forget where they came from .