Equal Opportunities Commission calls for inclusion of the indigenous

In Summary
  • There should be allocation of resources and other benefits given to the indigenous groups.
  • The commission underscored the need to create an institutional framework to address issues of ethnic minorities
she was speaking during a media engagement
The Chairperson Equal Opportunities Commission Hajjat Saphia Nalule she was speaking during a media engagement
Image: Courtesy photo

The Equal Opportunities Commission has called for the inclusion of the indigenous communities in all spheres of life.

While speaking to the press , The Chairperson Hajjat Saphia Nalule notes that  there should be allocation of resources and other benefits given to the indigenous groups.

“Whereas issues of the women ,PWDs,Youth,Elderly and workers have been fairly addressed ,one of the special interest groups that has not received fair attention is the question of indigenous ethnic minorities”,Nalule said.

Nalule stated that the constitution only recognizes 65 indigenous communities yet there are other ethnic minority groups  such as the Maragoli,Bagabu ,Benet,Kween  among others.

The Commission Secretary Dr Shaft Nasser Mukwaya underscored the need to create an institutional framework to address issues of ethnic minorities in the country.

“This can be done by establishing a national council for ethnic minorities as a platform to advocate for their concern. In addition , there is a need for the government to include in the civil service structure an officer responsible for addressing issues of ethnic minorities”Mukwaya explained.

Image: Courtesy photo

Due to lack of an  institutional framework the ethnic minorities are facing numerous challenges including ,loss of cultural heritage which affects their way of life , social cohesion,livelihood and indigenous skills and knowledge.

Mukwaya stated that Statelessness is another challenge that continues to hinder their productivity in the society,Land  insecurity and constant eviction adding that they are also suffering from marginalization and discrimination by the dominant communities.

“They are denied national IDs ,passports and therefore cannot access government services”he said.

To curb the above challenges, Mukwaya also called for the formulation of a national policy on ethnic minorities to clearly articulate and define their issues and propose interventions.

While officiating at the same event , Kunihira Agness the Chair Person Committee of Gender ,Labour and Social Development called for joint efforts from all arms of government to ensure that the above marginalized people get fair treatment.