Among worried over the death rate of Mps in 11th Parliament.

In Summary
  • Among stressed the importance of love and unity among MPs. 
  • She asked Mps to devote time to prayer seeking divine protection and guidance. 
Speaker Anita Among and Defense minister Jacob Oboth Oboth pay last respects to fallen Mateke .
Speaker Anita Among and Defense minister Jacob Oboth Oboth pay last respects to fallen Mateke .
Image: Alice Lubwama

The speaker of parliament Anita Annet Among  has called for continued prayers to safeguard the health and lives of MPs.

During a special sitting of Parliament held  to pay tribute to the late State Minister of Defence, Sarah Mateke, who passed away on the 7th of this month, Speaker Among urged Members of Parliament to devote time to prayer, seeking divine protection and guidance in their lives and work. 

Among also stressed the importance of love and unity among MPs, acknowledging that, as human beings, none are perfect, highlighting that love for one another is essential in preventing conflicts and fostering a harmonious working environment.

The Speaker  also expressed deep concern over the rising number of deaths within the 11th Parliament, noting that five members have already passed away since this term began.

The Speaker  paid tribute to the late Sarah Mateke, commending her for her unwavering love and passion for children, a cause she championed throughout her career.

The body of the late first  laid in state at Parliament,were Members of Parliament paid  their final respects to their colleague .

Mateke served as the state minister for defense from April 2024,prior she served as the state minister for Gender in charge of youth and children affairs from June 2021.

Nyirabashitsi was first elected to the 9th Parliament from 2011-2016,and again elected back in 2021 as woman representative for Kisoro district.

She will be buried on Thursday 12th September in her ancestral home in Kisoro district.