Privatisation Minister fails to keep intimacy private.

In Summary
  • Relationship experts attribute her act to a move done by desperate ladies to discourage supposed suitors or competitors from seducing her man.
Her picture in a public display of affection has gone viral attracting all manner of criticism
Image: Courtesy

On what was supposed to be a normal weekend on social media from a minister in charge of Investment, it did not quite.

While her mates were in Serbia, looking for investment opportunities for the country, one would have expected an update on some of the investment deals inked but nothing came from her.

Instead, the junior minister Evelyn Anite posted a picture of herself swapping saliva (read kissing) with her husband in a car, a sort of act that has also attracted criticism over the manner it was done.

Some romance enthusiasts have described the act as if she was drinking soup from a bowl and others say she did it as though she was swallowing her man.

Social media reactions on her actions
Image: courtesy

Another section of relationship experts attribute her act to a move done by desperate ladies to discourage supposed suitors or competitors from seducing her man.

That aside, her public display of affection has raised queries on the conduct of public servants in regard to the appropriateness of such actions.

Even more about her commitment to duty owing to the fact that many industrial parks are yet to be constructed and others like the one in Kasese district that has Canadian and Chinese investors fighting over.

As she got roasted online, Hon. Anite defended her actions, “This our marriage was blessed by God, in the presence of the public and the head of state. So my dear I am just trying to tell the young generation to love and get married to the right partner not those things of a man marrying a fellow man.”