Six billion shillings needed to complete the new all Saints Cathedral at Nakasero.

In Summary
  • The Diocese of Kampala is one of the 39 constituent dioceses of the Church of Uganda whose seat is here at All Saints' Cathedral Kampala, Nakasero Hill.
  • All Saints' Cathedral Kampala (ASCK) is a constituent parish and the seat of
    the Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala who is also the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda.
Image: Moses kidandi--Capital FM

Preparations are underway for the opening of the new five thousand seater Cathedral at all saints’ Church in Nakasero.

The event to be presided over by President Yoweri Museveni is scheduled for 1st of November 2024  and will see the Consecration of Canon Fredrick Jackson Baalwa to replace Bishop Hannington Mutebi who is retiring as assistant Bishop of all saints Cathedral.

The activity will also comprise the Ordination of Deacons and priests plus installation of clergy and lay Canons with a minimum of 3000 people expected to attend.

During the site visit this afternoon in company of the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda Rt Rev Stephen Kazimba Mugalu, the Chairman of the Organizing committee Rt Hon Amama Mbabazi says the activities will cost close to seven hundred million shillings and is appealing to Christians to contribute towards a successful event.

The Arch Bishop Stephene Kazimba Mugalu accompanied by Rt Hon Amama Mbabazi ,the clergy and officials after the inspection of the Cathedral
The Arch Bishop Stephene Kazimba Mugalu accompanied by Rt Hon Amama Mbabazi ,the clergy and officials after the inspection of the Cathedral
Image: Moses kidandi--Capital fm

He says six billion shillings out of the 18 billion shillings spent is to complete the outside works at the Cathedral.

The current Church is located on Plot 1/3 Lugard Road, Nakasero Hill in the heart of Kampala City. The Cathedral was founded in 1912 as a chapel to a European colonial hospital in the neighborhood.

As a chapel, it catered for a small congregation of colonial administrators, hospital staff, and patients at independence in 1962, it changed status from a Chapel to a Parish Church.

The composition of the congregation changed from being exclusively European to include people of African and Asian origin.

In 1972, the church was elevated to a Pro-Cathedral and later to a Cathedral for the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda.Archbishop Stephen Kazimba Mugalu says Currently the overflow is accommodated in three tents every Sunday and during big functions.

Between 1999 and 2002, the Cathedral acquired two adjacent real estate properties located on Plots 2 and 6 Lugard Road, on which the new Cathedral sits on Plot 6.